Stained Glass Windows Update
Removal and Repair Schedule
Removal of two lancets took place in July, 2024.
The removal of two lancets in History Window and the Service Window took place the week of July 15, 2024. Temporary lancets were installed and will remain until the original lancets are updated with four new images and installed in 2025. A brief service was held in the sanctuary on Sunday, July 14 after our 11:00 a.m. worship to recognize the removal of our stained glass. See that service bulletin here.
The removal of two lancets in History Window and the Service Window took place the week of July 15, 2024. Temporary lancets were installed and will remain until the original lancets are updated with four new images and installed in 2025. A brief service was held in the sanctuary on Sunday, July 14 after our 11:00 a.m. worship to recognize the removal of our stained glass. See that service bulletin here.
Arts Task Force Report: April 2024
Session formed the first Arts Task Force in 2020 to examine Covenant's physical buildings and art to determine whether there were "representations that involve individuals or acts supportive of racism," and if there were, to “make a recommendation regarding their presence." After almost two years of study and reflection, the first Arts Task Force submitted a report detailing those recommendations in September 2022. For details on this process watch our videos titled "An Invitation to Learn."
As stated in their report, the Arts Task Force recommended the images of four individuals be removed from the stained glass windows in the east and west transepts of the sanctuary. These individuals were D.H. Hill in the Service Window; Benjamin Palmer, Stonewall Jackson, and Woodrow Wilson in the History Window. Session approved this recommendation in their November 2022 meeting and advocated for the formation of a second Arts Task Force to determine replacements.
The second Arts Task Force determined the above images should be replaced by those of individuals and organizations that played vital roles in the Presbyterian Church locally and nationally. The committee evaluated important 20th century leaders, especially women and African Americans who influenced the Presbyterian Church and theology. They also consulted with a number of experts, including the PC historian Erskine Clarke, along with Dr. Willie Griffin and Dr. Chris Cameron, professors at UNC Charlotte who specialize in African American History. Learn more about the research and decisions of the second Arts Task Force in this FAQ document.
The selection of individuals for the new windows were based on the following criteria set by the Arts Task Force:
Session formed the first Arts Task Force in 2020 to examine Covenant's physical buildings and art to determine whether there were "representations that involve individuals or acts supportive of racism," and if there were, to “make a recommendation regarding their presence." After almost two years of study and reflection, the first Arts Task Force submitted a report detailing those recommendations in September 2022. For details on this process watch our videos titled "An Invitation to Learn."
As stated in their report, the Arts Task Force recommended the images of four individuals be removed from the stained glass windows in the east and west transepts of the sanctuary. These individuals were D.H. Hill in the Service Window; Benjamin Palmer, Stonewall Jackson, and Woodrow Wilson in the History Window. Session approved this recommendation in their November 2022 meeting and advocated for the formation of a second Arts Task Force to determine replacements.
The second Arts Task Force determined the above images should be replaced by those of individuals and organizations that played vital roles in the Presbyterian Church locally and nationally. The committee evaluated important 20th century leaders, especially women and African Americans who influenced the Presbyterian Church and theology. They also consulted with a number of experts, including the PC historian Erskine Clarke, along with Dr. Willie Griffin and Dr. Chris Cameron, professors at UNC Charlotte who specialize in African American History. Learn more about the research and decisions of the second Arts Task Force in this FAQ document.
The selection of individuals for the new windows were based on the following criteria set by the Arts Task Force:
- Deep roots in the Presbyterian Church
- Influenced Christian theology and practice
- Important 20th century Presbyterian leaders the original window designers overlooked including women and African Americans
- Fit the historical context of the existing windows
- Tied to local and regional churches, seminaries, and/or Covenant
- Tells a history that includes and welcomes all to Covenant and builds bridges to the broader community
- Unanimous endorsement of Arts Task Force
Individuals Chosen for New Stained Glass Images
Click on the name to download a PDF with a detailed description or biography.
Stapleton-Davidson Internship
This program funds Davidson College students to engage in full-time community service in Charlotte. Founded by Covenant members, George Donnell "Don†Davidson Jr. and his wife Anne Stapleton Davidson in 1989.
Rev. Dr. Daniel Jackson Sanders (1847-1907)
Born in Winnsboro, SC; Education: Western Theological Seminary (now Pittsburgh Seminary), 1874; Lincoln University, Honorary MA and D Div, 1875.
Rev. Dr. Elo Henderson (1908-1990)
Born in Shelton, SC; Education: Johnson C. Smith University, BS 1939; JCSU Seminary; B Div 1942
Rev. Dr. Katie Cannon (1950-2018)
Born in Kannapolis, NC; Education: Barber-Scotia, BS Education 1971; JCS Theological Seminary at ITC (Atlanta), M Div 1974; Union Theological Seminary NY, MA 1983; Union Theological Seminary NY, PhD 1989
Rev. Dr. Rachel Henderlite (1905-1991)
Born in Henderson, NC; Education: Agnes Scott BA 1928, NYU MA 1936, Yale Divinity PhD 1947
Stapleton-Davidson Internship
This program funds Davidson College students to engage in full-time community service in Charlotte. Founded by Covenant members, George Donnell "Don†Davidson Jr. and his wife Anne Stapleton Davidson in 1989.
Rev. Dr. Daniel Jackson Sanders (1847-1907)
Born in Winnsboro, SC; Education: Western Theological Seminary (now Pittsburgh Seminary), 1874; Lincoln University, Honorary MA and D Div, 1875.
Rev. Dr. Elo Henderson (1908-1990)
Born in Shelton, SC; Education: Johnson C. Smith University, BS 1939; JCSU Seminary; B Div 1942
Rev. Dr. Katie Cannon (1950-2018)
Born in Kannapolis, NC; Education: Barber-Scotia, BS Education 1971; JCS Theological Seminary at ITC (Atlanta), M Div 1974; Union Theological Seminary NY, MA 1983; Union Theological Seminary NY, PhD 1989
Rev. Dr. Rachel Henderlite (1905-1991)
Born in Henderson, NC; Education: Agnes Scott BA 1928, NYU MA 1936, Yale Divinity PhD 1947