Covenant Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, NC

Sunday Events Speakers & Classes

Watch video recordings of our speakers on our YouTube Channel.

Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and on Zoom

Grow your faith, explore your connection to the ministry of the church, and deepen your understanding of scripture and theology with our new FAITH Talks. We encourage you to consider a way to participate that will allow you to grow your faith and explore your connection to the church. Perhaps that means choosing a regular rhythm to your participation by coming the same week each month, dabbling into the talks that most intrigue you, or leaning into our theme for the year and going “all in” by becoming a regular attendee of the FAITH Talks.

Each month will follow the themes below:

First Sundays: Contemporary Issues
Focus on Charlotte community concerns and social justice issues anchored by the church theme of “All In.”
Second Sundays: Covenant Community Forums
Through stories, interviews, and education we’ll learn how Covenant is serving God through our various ministries.
Third Sundays: In the Beginning...the Bible
Scholar-in-residence Dr. Brennan Breed focuses on scriptural exploration of the theme for the month.
Fourth Sundays: Thinking Theologically
Theologians Dr. Martha Moore Keish of Columbia Theological Seminary and Dr. Doug Ottati of Davidson College will help us expand our theological understanding.
Fifth Sunday: Hospitality Hour
Enjoy time with your church family over brunch, meet new friends and see those you haven’t in some time!
September “FOR THE HEART”
September 8 – “All In” Community Forum: Vision
September 15 – Dr. Brennan Breed
September 22 – Dr. Martha Moore Keish
September 29 – Hospitality Hour
October 6 – Dr. Claudio Carvalhaes
October 13 – “All In” Community Forum: Worship
October 20 – Dr. Brennan Breed
October 27 – Dr. Doug Ottati
November 3 – Dr. Ellen Ott Marshall
November 10 – “All In” Community Forum: Finances
November 17 – Dr. Brennan Breed
November 24 – Dr. Doug Ottati
December 1 – Boris Henderson
December 8 – “All In” Community Forum: Care
December 15 – Dr. Brennan Breed
December 22 – Dr. Martha Moore Keish

Dr. Ellen Ott Marshall

Sunday, November 3 in Fellowship Hall
9:30 a.m. Adult Education (also on 
Holy Curiosity: The Virtue of Good Questions
Ahead of our presidential election we welcome Dr. Ellen Ott Marshall, Professor of Christian Ethics & Conflict Transformation
at Candler School of Theology, who will share about "Holy Curiosity: The Virtue of Good Questions" in order to help us consider the soul of our voting and our response to election results. When we experience conflict, one of the first things we stop doing is asking genuine, open questions. This session invites you to disrupt that pattern by practicing holy curiosity in this very contentious season. Asking good questions is a fundamental skill in conflict work; it is also a spiritual practice that reflects and deepens our relationship with a God who is always and everywhere doing a new thing. So, in November, let’s anchor ourselves to the grace of God and risk engaging conflict with a posture of curiosity by asking a few good questions.

The Bible Said…That? 

Starting October 6 at 10:45 a.m. in FH 105
Did the Bible really say “God helps those who help themselves?” Courtney Shudak and Grady Mosley consider common misunderstandings with a lively discussion where you can ask questions and share ideas. 

Fathers in Faith 

Coming soon at 10:45 a.m. in WC 203
Explore the book by the same name with 11 essays about fatherhood. Participants are invited to join as often as they are able to discuss the work of fatherhood and its relationship to faith.