serve in the community
Connecting our gifts and passions with service to our neighbors
Our local and global outreach ministries aim to connect people's gifts and passions with service to our neighbors, building caring and nurturing relationships with people struggling with poverty, homelessness or hunger.
How would you like to share your gifts? Here are several of the ministries and partners that we support.
How would you like to share your gifts? Here are several of the ministries and partners that we support.
Freedom School at Highland Renaissance Academy
Summer break and Freedom School are right around the corner! Covenant partners with the site at Highland Renaissance Academy to provide 40 scholars with reading and fun enrichment activities, and we need your support to do this. Check out all the volunteer opportunities here. From serving as a Reading Buddy to providing ice cream treats, there's something for everyone. Please reach out to Casey Unger with any questions. Read more about Freedom School here.
Highland Renaissance Academy
Read, Roar, Soar!
Read with a 3rd Grader
Volunteers are needed to join in reading and sharing books once a month with 3rd graders. We will be visiting classrooms on Tuesday's from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.. No prep work is required. You’ll be in a classroom with other volunteers to help children select books. We share a little about the books and then help the children choose one to take home with them and spend some time reading together.
Contact Alan Morrow for more information.
Contact Alan Morrow for more information.
Kindergarten Tutoring
Tuesday or Thursday Mornings
Volunteer for one-on-one tutoring with 3 kindergarten students (20 minutes each, same students each week) working on sight with vocabulary and reading. Tutors work on beginning sight words using word cards, writing and tracing words, reading a simple, patterned book to student. Tutor & student read together, then student reads alone.
Contact Betty Graybeal for more information.
Contact Betty Graybeal for more information.
Teacher Appreciation Snacks and Brunches
During the school year, Covenant embraces those who nurture students at Highland day-after-day. We provide our traditional monthly brunches and periodic snack carts, delivering goodies and refreshing drinks to teachers as a reminder that what they do matters – a lot – throughout the day. In May, Covenant will host Teacher Appreciation Week at Highland. There are a variety of ways to help out! Sign up here
Responding to Community Hunger needs
Serve Breakfast Once A Month at Roof Above
Covenant participates in a long time partnership between area churches and Roof Above. We provide cook teams and meal services to guests of the Roof Above Levine Men's Shelter (3406 Statesville Avenue) once per month, on the 4th Wednesday morning. This is a great opportunity to provide a hot meal and fellowship to these neighbors. Volunteers prepare, serve and help clean up. It is a meaningful and enjoyable time. No special skills required!
Dinner for Neighbors @ Roof Above
Fifth Tuesdays Each Month
On fifth Tuesdays (about 4 times a year), volunteers from Covenant serve donated Texas Hash casseroles to neighbors who rely on the shelter. Casseroles, desserts and fresh fruit are needed for each meal, and people (older than 16) are invited to serve the meal at the shelter.
Sort food at Nourish Up
(formerly Loaves and Fishes)
Second and Fourth Tuesdays
Food insecurity will affect nearly 1 in 5 North Carolina residents in 2021. Loaves & Fishes has launched temporary mobile pantries across the city. Covenant folks can sort food twice each month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. or sign up to be a delivery driver here.
Operation Sandwich
First Mondays Every Month
You can make 25 sandwiches and bring them to church, where we will be outside to collect and deliver directly to Roof Above's day services center.
Want to Learn more about serving in the Community?
We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line and we'll get back to you shortly.
Meet Our Community Service Leader
Moore Place
Mandy Rencher, Director of Mission and Outreach
Nikki Zimmermann, Pastoral Resident for Mission and Outreach
Mandy grew up in Gastonia and is a lifelong Presbyterian. She is a graduate of Davidson College and earned her Master of Arts in Education from Wake Forest University. She was a classroom teacher for sixteen years, primarily at Trinity Episcopal School and Charlotte Latin School. Most recently, she served at Myers Park Presbyterian Church for five years as the Children’s Ministry Coordinator and particularly loved helping children and families grow in their faith through outreach and mission.
Nikki was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia before heading to UNC-Chapel Hill for undergraduate studies. After college, she moved to Nashville, Tennessee as part of the 2016 Teach for America Corps where she taught 6th grade ELA. From Nashville, Nikki moved to Princeton, New Jersey to begin her studies at Princeton Theological Seminary. During her third year in the Master of Divinity program, Nikki served as the Pastor of Sunday Worship at Kingston United Methodist in Kingston, NJ.