discovering a love of service and a passion for prayer
Called to cultivate community, serve and love our neighbors, and worship with open hearts.
At Covenant, we recognize the immense potential of each and every young mind – the potential to shape, not only our congregation, but the entire community. We find joy in being teachers, mentors, and cheerleaders to our youth. We celebrate together in the good moments, and offer comfort in the bad. We believe in fostering individuality, curiosity, and compassion for our neighbors. Above all, we recognize that there is as much to learn from our youth as there is to teach, and appreciate the opportunity to witness the one-of-a-kind growth of each child. As our youth tackle the big questions of life and faith, we invite you to join our community with open minds and open hearts. Whether it’s helping them discover their love of service or their passion for prayer, we are excited to offer our support – and looking forward to all you can contribute to our youth family!
High School Youth Updates

Covenant high School Youth Ministry cannot operate without adult volunteers! Whether you’d like to come along on an adventure, help teach Sunday School, help out at Youth Fellowship, or just drop off doughnuts for Sunday School, WE NEED YOU! Sign up Below!

Middle School Youth Updates

Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Volunteer with our Middle School Youth and see what an impact this can make on your life!

Youth ministry Weekly overview

Sunday Mornings
Sunday School takes place from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the middle and high school youth rooms. On the first Sunday of each month, Youth attend worship with Youth leaders at the 9:30 or 11:00 a.m. Contemporary service.
Sunday and Wednesday Evening Youth Fellowship
Youth Fellowship takes place on Sunday nights, as well as Wednesday nights during Covenant’s Open Table program through the end of March. On Sundays, dinner will be provided from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. with programming from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Youth Program
(Grades 6-7)
Sign up for our Group Remind Texts! Send a text to 81010 with the message @msy20
The Church serves as a safe landing place for middle-schoolers when so much is changing.
BASE Program
BASE is our Youth program for 6th and 7th graders, which uses Sunday School to teach our youth about Christian principles, theology, and how to build one's own faith, and fellowship to teach our youth about forming a support system in the church.
Middle School Annual Milestone Programs
Youth engage in milestones as markers of their time in ministry at Covenant and to help them grow in discipleship and community. Each year, youth are invited to an exciting way to mark their time in Youth ministry at Covenant.
Sixth Grade Transition
The middle school youth program intentionally meets with rising 6th graders and parents in the summer, just before the start of school, to discuss joining not just middle school youth at Covenant, but to discuss the transition from elementary to middle school.
Seventh Grade: "Middle of Middle"
Seventh graders will celebrate being “in the middle” of middle school with a special Sunday milestone event. They will create testimonies to be used in worship and create a stepping stone to be collected at the church in honor of each 7th grade class.
The middle school youth program intentionally meets with rising 6th graders and parents in the summer, just before the start of school, to discuss joining not just middle school youth at Covenant, but to discuss the transition from elementary to middle school.
Seventh Grade: "Middle of Middle"
Seventh graders will celebrate being “in the middle” of middle school with a special Sunday milestone event. They will create testimonies to be used in worship and create a stepping stone to be collected at the church in honor of each 7th grade class.
Confirmation program
(Grade 8)

QUEST is Covenant’s 8th grade Confirmation class, which will occasionally separate from BASE during Sunday School or for other fellowship opportunities. Our QUEST curriculum encourages 8th graders to dive into the church and its teachings more deeply while exploring the values which speak to their individual faith the most.
Eighth grade students can participate in QUEST in order to achieve Confirmation. Students will attend a QUEST retreat, visit places of other faiths, write a statement of faith, and have a mentor guiding them throughout the year.
High school Youth Program
(Grades 9-12)
Sign up for our High School Youth Group Remind Texts! Text "@covhs2021" to 81010 to sign up!

High School youth ministry focuses on four cornerstones: Fellowship, Worship, Study and Service.
During the school year, we offer retreats for fellowship and study: to the mountains in the Fall, skiing in the winter and the beach in the spring. Throughout the year, we explore topics from all walks of life, worship, study, assist with service projects, create art projects, and have a great time together. All youth , grades 9-12, are welcomed and encouraged to come and join along in programming on Sunday mornings and evenings, as well as Wednesday evenings. Regardless of who you are, where you are from, prior affiliation with the church or participation anywhere else, you have a place in Covenant High School Youth!
During the school year you can find us around campus on Sunday’s in The Landing for Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and Youth Fellowship from 6-7 p.m. following dinner at 5:30. Wednesday evenings we gather for dinner at Open Table @ Covenant followed by games, service projects and studies focusing on Biblical topics, Theology & World Religions.
During the school year you can find us around campus on Sunday’s in The Landing for Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and Youth Fellowship from 6-7 p.m. following dinner at 5:30. Wednesday evenings we gather for dinner at Open Table @ Covenant followed by games, service projects and studies focusing on Biblical topics, Theology & World Religions.
High School Youth Annual Milestone Programs
Youth engage in milestones as markers of their time in ministry at Covenant and to help them grow in discipleship and community. Each year, youth are invited to an exciting way to mark their time in Youth ministry at Covenant.
Ninth Grade Welcome Dinner
Intentionally inclusive time for upperclassmen to welcome ninth graders into High School Youth (HSY) group. A transition dinner from Middle School Youth to HSY, ninth graders will also work with the HSY director and artist to create portraits with their hopes for the coming life of HSY. These will hang in their HSY room and then be used in worship during their Senior Year. In senior and freshman pairs, upperclassmen make dinner for ninth graders, time capsule to be opened senior Sunday.
Tenth Grade Faith and Sexuality Seminar
More focused on healthy relationships as a follow up to 5th grade faith and sexuality. A program time for tenth graders to have open and honest communication about healthy relationships and sexuality in the Christian faith.
Eleventh Grade: Listening to Your Life Faith and Career Fair (Fall)
College Admissions Workshop (Spring) – focusing on the application process.
Consider including senior youth and parents with insight on lessons learned. Tools for discernment, PCUSA scholarship opportunities, etc.
Senior Sermons
During Youth Sunday, seniors are invited to offer the sermon. This provides them with the opportunity to celebrate their time at Covenant and to bid farewell to the church as students graduate from high school.
Senior Sunday
Graduating seniors are recognized during worship services at Covenant.
Intentionally inclusive time for upperclassmen to welcome ninth graders into High School Youth (HSY) group. A transition dinner from Middle School Youth to HSY, ninth graders will also work with the HSY director and artist to create portraits with their hopes for the coming life of HSY. These will hang in their HSY room and then be used in worship during their Senior Year. In senior and freshman pairs, upperclassmen make dinner for ninth graders, time capsule to be opened senior Sunday.
Tenth Grade Faith and Sexuality Seminar
More focused on healthy relationships as a follow up to 5th grade faith and sexuality. A program time for tenth graders to have open and honest communication about healthy relationships and sexuality in the Christian faith.
Eleventh Grade: Listening to Your Life Faith and Career Fair (Fall)
College Admissions Workshop (Spring) – focusing on the application process.
Consider including senior youth and parents with insight on lessons learned. Tools for discernment, PCUSA scholarship opportunities, etc.
Senior Sermons
During Youth Sunday, seniors are invited to offer the sermon. This provides them with the opportunity to celebrate their time at Covenant and to bid farewell to the church as students graduate from high school.
Senior Sunday
Graduating seniors are recognized during worship services at Covenant.
Below is our most up to date calendar of Middle School and High School Youth Events. Check back regularly for upcoming events, or click "add to Google Calendar" to add it to your own calendar.
Meet Andy wertz
Meet Martin Pruitt
Director of Middle School Youth
Director of High School Youth

Andy is a double graduate from Queens University of Charlotte, with undergraduate and graduate degrees in education. He is an elder at Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church and a student at Union Presbyterian Seminary.
For the last few years, he has served as a middle school teacher at Trinity Episcopal School. Andy says, "This feels like the next step in the journey of my call to serve. I eagerly anticipate growth for myself and the community as members of the Body of Christ in the world."
For the last few years, he has served as a middle school teacher at Trinity Episcopal School. Andy says, "This feels like the next step in the journey of my call to serve. I eagerly anticipate growth for myself and the community as members of the Body of Christ in the world."
Martin graduated from Presbyterian College in 2013 with majors in religion and Christian education and minors in youth work and leadership. He also has a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts and Christian Education from Union Presbyterian Seminary. From 2013 to 2018, Martin served as Director of Youth and Christian Education at Sharon Presbyterian, where he reinvigorated and increased participation in youth programs. Martin helped lead Bulldog Prayers – the multi-faith devotional group at A.G. Middle School. Since 2018, Martin has served at Covenant as the Director of High School and College Ministries. In his spare time, Martin enjoys playing rugby with the Charlotte Royals and doing home renovations with his wife, Anna.