Covenant's Church Grants
It is the calling and purpose of the Grants Committee of the Session of Covenant Presbyterian Church to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by extending God's love beyond our congregation. Our commitment is to serve people who are impoverished or otherwise disenfranchised. The work of this Committee is to send an offering into the community, providing a ministry of money and engagement with God's children who cry out for help. In response to God's grace, our mission is to participate in holistic partnerships with organizations which provide hope, help, and dignity to those in the severest need.
Criteria and Guidelines for Evaluation of Grant Requests:
- We consider only non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations.
- We prioritize requests based on focus in one of 4 areas in the Charlotte area: hunger, housing, education and vulnerable families.
- We seek evidence that the organizations/agencies we fund use grant monies primarily for programming versus administrative or general operating needs.
- We encourage grant requests in the range of $1,000 - $10,000 although we will consider larger requests.
- We seek organizations/agencies that can ensure availability of volunteer outreach opportunities for Covenant members.
- We verify that Covenant Presbyterian Church is not the sole source of revenue.
- We request your most recent audited financial statements and a current list of the Board of Directors.
- We consider only grant requests that meet all deadlines as published on our website.
Forms must be postmarked or received by email no later than August 31, 2024.
Grant decisions will be made in January 2025. Notifications will be made at that time.