Renewing Life After the Loss of a Partner
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
- Matthew 5:4
Surviving Our Spouses (SOS) Care Ministry

The death of a spouse or life partner is one of the most challenging, life-changing events that a human can experience. Whether the loss is very new or decades old, the need for spiritual, practical, and emotional support is often strong and always changing. While family members and friends mean well and can be of great comfort, sometimes we need to be with those whose deep understanding comes from walking a similar path.
As part of Covenant’s Congregational Life and Pastoral Care ministry, Surviving Our Spouses (SOS) is a compassionate Christian ministry for women and men whose life partners have died, assuring them that they are beloved by God and cared for within their faith community. Through fellowship and sharing, we are taking positive steps toward a new definition of life from a Christian perspective in the months and years following our loss.
As surviving spouses, we want:
Our varied activities include picnics, group presentations on pertinent topics, mindfulness training, a Memory Tree on campus at Christmas, and communicating with one another at special – and often difficult – days on the calendar. Small group activities are ongoing, as are plans for outings and larger social gatherings, a resource library, and sharing with others outside our group about ways they can respond to those who grieve the loss of spouses.
We have a special outreach ministry for those who are newly widowed.
SOS is grateful for the help and guidance of Katherine Kerr, our senior associate minister for Congregational Life and Pastoral Care.
As part of Covenant’s Congregational Life and Pastoral Care ministry, Surviving Our Spouses (SOS) is a compassionate Christian ministry for women and men whose life partners have died, assuring them that they are beloved by God and cared for within their faith community. Through fellowship and sharing, we are taking positive steps toward a new definition of life from a Christian perspective in the months and years following our loss.
As surviving spouses, we want:
- To be heard
- To help and be helped
- To be simply companions
- To build connections that are meaningful
Our varied activities include picnics, group presentations on pertinent topics, mindfulness training, a Memory Tree on campus at Christmas, and communicating with one another at special – and often difficult – days on the calendar. Small group activities are ongoing, as are plans for outings and larger social gatherings, a resource library, and sharing with others outside our group about ways they can respond to those who grieve the loss of spouses.
We have a special outreach ministry for those who are newly widowed.
SOS is grateful for the help and guidance of Katherine Kerr, our senior associate minister for Congregational Life and Pastoral Care.