Julia watkins
Pastoral Resident – Mission & Outreach Ministry

Graduating in from Princeton Theological Seminary, Julia is known to many at Covenant from her time as a Seminary Intern in summer 2015. After graduating from Davidson College with a degree in psychology and minor in Arab Studies, Julia served as a Chaplain Intern at Duke University Hospital and later held the same role at Trenton Psychiatric Hospital in New Jersey, where she led worship services for patients, among other duties.
As a Stapleton/Davidson intern in 2013, she spent the summer serving at the Urban Ministry Center in Charlotte. Once in Seminary, Julia took a year off, in her words "to gain more experience to direct my vocational path." Specifically, she moved from Georgia to Philadelphia to work at Broad Street Ministry.
As a Stapleton/Davidson intern in 2013, she spent the summer serving at the Urban Ministry Center in Charlotte. Once in Seminary, Julia took a year off, in her words "to gain more experience to direct my vocational path." Specifically, she moved from Georgia to Philadelphia to work at Broad Street Ministry.